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European Review of Digital Administration & Law
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European Review of Digital Administration & Law

Cybersecurity of Information Systems in the Public Healthcare

DOI:  10.53136/979122181128522
Pages: 273-285
Publication date: September 2023
Publisher: Aracne
In the digital era, where interconnection and immediacy in information management prevail, information systems have become essential assets for various institutions, and among them, the healthcare system stands out. In Spain, this system stores an enormous amount of sensitive data, ranging from clinical records to biomedical research, which are of interest not only to health professionals but also to malicious actors. Ensuring the cybersecurity of these systems is therefore not an option, but an absolute necessity. To face these challenges, the National Security Framework (ENS) in Spain establishes a series of measures, protocols and good practices aimed at protecting information and critical infrastructures, including healthcare infrastructures. This paper, although it also contemplates legislative actions emanating from the European Union, the United States and international initiatives, aims to analyse the importance of cybersecurity in the Spanish healthcare system, highlighting the relevance and applicability of the ENS in this context. We will address the main threats, current challenges and how the ENS guidelines provide a robust framework for effective defence.
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European Review of Digital Administration & Law / Erdal