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European Review of Digital Administration & Law

Data and Integrity in Public Procurement in Emergency Times.The CO.R.E. Data Principles for Procurement Integrity

DOI:  10.53136/979122181266410
Pages: 103-115
Publication date: January 2024
Publisher: Aracne
Transparency becomes significantly relevant to disclose the decisions made by contracting authorities and to enhance public procurement. However, in times of emergency, compliance with transparency obligations is often called into question. It is necessary for public administrations to promote new mechanisms of transparency and new ways to manage them to strengthen public integrity. This article focuses on the conditions necessary for the proper functioning of transparency mechanisms in times of emergency (Principles of AIR, availability, interoperability and reusability). It also examines data-protection regulation as one of the widest limit of transparency in public procurement. Finally, the article also presents the CO.R.E. Data Principles for Procurement Integrity, a proposal to improve transparency, to enhance integrity and to prevent and fight corruption in public procurement in times of emergency through the analysis of public-procurement data.
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European Review of Digital Administration & Law / Erdal